Patient Flight Process

To register for a CAN flight, fill out the online registration form or call the office directly at least two weeks prior to your appointment or discharge date from a cancer treatment center.

  1. Upon registration, we will check with your physician to verify that you can walk up and down the steps to an aircraft unassisted, and that you are not in need of oxygen, IV or any other medical support onboard. For security reasons, we will also check with your treatment center.

  2. Our dedicated staff will work diligently to find a private flight matching your requested travel route and dates, and once they find one they will call immediately as it’s their favorite call to make!

Please note: We exhaust all options to find a flight match but cannot guarantee a flight. If a match is found, there is a possibility of cancelation as business flights and plans are subject to change. Therefore, back-up arrangements are encouraged.

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